We work closely with schools delivering diversity, inclusion, and acceptance workshops, for our young children in our local community. Divine Days Community Arts prides itself in delivering our established workshops for primary and secondary schools.

Our Divine Dancers are all amazing dancers who happen to have additional needs. We work together to create an inclusive dance workshop for the whole school delivered by the dancers and directed by our qualified Creative Arts Practitioners. The children work with the dancers throughout the day learning and creating together which culminates in a collaborative performance that the whole school is involved in with the community and parents being invited to watch.
We address issues of inclusion and acceptance and our workshops are devised to support the children to express themselves and look at celebrating uniqueness and strengthening self worth. Our workshops help those taking part see the dancers as equals – they see their talent and are inspired and moved. They make connections with the dancers and each other as we redefine what success looks like.
Working in our local schools with local children and their teaching staff and performing to parents and wider community strengthens resilience, reduces hate crime, and promotes diversity.
If you or your school would like to take part in one of our inclusive dance workshops, please email us at: info@divinedays.co.uk